how to remove acrylic nails

How to remove acrylic nails

Are you tired of having acrylic nails? Do you want to remove them? Removing acrylic nails is not as difficult as some may think. By following a few simple steps, you can safely and easily remove your acrylic nails. In this article, we will discuss how to remove acrylic nails and give you some tips to help you avoid any damage to your natural nails.

What You Will Need

To remove your acrylic nails, you will need a few basic supplies:

Acetone Nail Polish Remover: You can typically find acetone nail polish remover at any drugstore. If you want to remove acrylic nails quickly, you can purchase a high-strength formula, such as 100% pure acetone.

Emery Board: An emery board is used to gently file the surface of your nails to aid in the removal process. Be sure to select a fine-grit emery board, as a coarser board can cause damage to your natural nails.

Cuticle Oil: A cuticle oil can help to moisturize and protect your natural nails from the harsh effects of the acetone. You can find cuticle oil at most beauty supply stores.

Cotton Balls or Pads: You will need cotton balls or pads to soak with the acetone and use in the removal process.

Nail Clippers: If you want to remove your acrylic nails without using acetone, nail clippers can be used to clip off the nails. Be sure to use caution when using nail clippers, as they can cause damage to your natural nails if not used properly.

Step By Step

Now that you have gathered your supplies, it’s time to start the removal process. Here’s how to remove your acrylic nails:

Step 1: Clip Your Nails

If you’re planning on using nail clippers to remove your acrylic nails, start by clipping off the length of the nails using nail clippers. You can also file the length of the nails using an emery board.

Step 2: File The Surface of Your Nails

Using an emery board, gently file the surface of your natural nails. This will help to break the seal between the acrylic nails and your natural nails.

Step 3: Soak Your Nails In Acetone

Fill a glass bowl with acetone nail polish remover. Then, soak your cotton balls or pads in the acetone and hold them in place over your nails for 15-20 minutes. The acetone will help to dissolve the acrylic nails.

Step 4: Remove The Nails

After the 15-20 minutes is up, the acrylic nails should be softened enough to easily remove them. Use a pair of tweezers to gently lift the acrylic nails off your natural nails. Be sure to be gentle to avoid any damage to your natural nails.

Step 5: Moisturize Your Nails

After removing the acrylic nails, it’s important to moisturize and protect your natural nails. Apply the cuticle oil to your nails and gently massage it in.

Tips for Safe Removal

To ensure a safe and damage-free removal process, follow these tips:

*Do not use acrylic nail removal kits, as they can cause damage to your natural nails.

*If you are using 100% pure acetone, be sure to use it in a well-ventilated area.

*Be sure to use clean and sharp tools when removing your acrylic nails.

*Do not force the acrylic nails off. If they are not coming off easily, soak them a bit longer in the acetone.


Removing your acrylic nails can be a bit of a process, but with the right tools and some patience, it’s quite easy. By following the step-by-step instructions and tips in this article, you can safely and easily remove your acrylic nails without damaging your natural nails.

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